
VisionTech   Automation  was formed as a design and engineering consulting services company for web (WIS) / surface (SIS) inspection, monitoring and machine vision systems. Our team of specialists have years of hands on experience and expertise with systems design, project engineering/management, installation, preventive/corrective maintenance services, training, optimization, and spare parts. We help our customer improve plant reliability using best practices learned over years of experience. All our specialists have an average of over 20 years hands on experience after working at reputed multinational engineering companies such as ABB, Honeywell etc.

We provide top notch installation and preventive maintenance services for all makes & models of web / surface inspection (WIS/SIS), monitoring, and machine vision products. We service ABB ULMA, Cognex SmartView, Viconsys Web Break Analysis (WBA), MTC Smart Advisor / Hindsight, PaperTech Web Vision (R), ISRA, Procemex, Ryeco color/edge marker, and many other 3rd party web imaging systems, defect detector systems, Pattern recognition / Smart Classifier systems, Void / Hole detector systems as well as machine vision systems.

Our unique audit services program helps our customers improve system reliability and reduce machine downtime. These services have immediate pay off in terms of system down time and reduced customer complaints. Our parts inventory helps our customer avoid long downtime and saves them money on spare parts inventory management.

With our partners we offer most measurement application solutions to flat sheet process applications such as pulp & paper, plastic, glass, film, non-woven, and metals. Our expertise with ABB WIS (ULMA), DCS systems (Master Piece, MasterView, Advant Control / Advant Station), 800xA DCS, AC/DC drives, and all AccuRay 1180, 1190 products is unmatched by any other third party engineering services provider.

With extensive experience at leading OEMs, we are able to provide consulting services for system upgrades, maintenance services, replacement parts, and improvement projects that save our customers money on capital projects spending.

We can supply new, refurbished, and after market spare parts for above systems at very competitive prices. Our parts come with standard warranty and are thoroughly tested at our facilities. We will NEVER ship you anything without thoroughly testing any part. Our reputation is our asset.

 We provide 24X7X365 phone support to all our customers. No other service providers or OEM can match our dedicated support. Please call 1 614 554 2013 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1 614 554 2013      end_of_the_skype_highlighting for a complimentary support call.